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Shirley Warren Primary and Nursery School

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Our Early Years Vision

At Shirley Warren Primary and Nursery School, we strive for children to be happy and confident learners.  We believe that all children should have the opportunity to learn through play in a safe and stimulating learning environment, both inside and outdoors. Alongside this, children should be gently challenged and supported through positive adult interactions in order to develop their engagement, motivation and thinking skills. We value the importance of wellbeing and we endeavour to support our children in building resilience, learning to problem solve and becoming well rounded citizens.  We have high expectations and aim to develop learning through creating real life experiences, a language rich environment and by offering children and families support when needed.  We work as a team and in partnership with parents to plan high quality activities and provision which builds on children’s interest, wants and needs to develop their love of learning. 

We are a diverse and inclusive setting and believe that every child has the right to high-quality early education and care and we are passionate about giving them exactly that.


Our Nursery

Our wonderful, well resourced Nursery welcomes children from 2 years old.  Nursery is run by a qualified teacher and work closely with the Reception team as well as the Early Years Leader to ensure the transition into school is a happy experience. Joining us at this early age, ensures that we get to know your children as they begin their journey at Shirley Warren and ensure your child has an excellent start to their educational life.

Children enjoy teacher led group activities, as well as free play, both inside and in the garden. Wet weather clothing is provided, so children have access to the outside all year round.  Our skilled team support our children with individual next steps and capture the children's interests to make learning fun! We provide a healthy snack and drink (milk or water) during the session and children are given their own water bottles to have throughout the day. You will need to bring a healthy packed lunch for your child.

We are also part of the Southampton Toothbrushing Scheme, where all children in Early Years brush their teeth every day (brushes and toothpaste are provided).