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Shirley Warren Primary and Nursery School

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Contact Details

Shirley Warren Primary & Nursery School

Warren Crescent
Shirley Warren
Southampton SO16 6AY

Tel:  023 8077 3975
Office Email: office@shirleywarren.co.uk


If you require a DSL, please phone the office number above and ask for one or email DSL@shirleywarren.co.uk

The school office opens at 8:30am and is staffed until 4pm.

Mrs Davis, Mrs Kaur, Mrs McCubbin and Mrs Tyrrell will help you with any enquiries.

Our site team are on site from 6am to 6pm. Deliveries or contractors should ask for Mr Kelly or Miss Jenkins.  If they are not available, please ask for Miss Hughes - our Business Manager. 

Our school SENCO is Mr Humphreys.  Please contact the office if you wish to speak with him. 

Please ring or email the office if you would like a paper copy of any of the information from the school website - this is available free of charge.