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Shirley Warren Primary and Nursery School

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Head's Welcome

A very warm welcome to Shirley Warren Primary and Nursery School. We hope this website gives you a good insight into what our school is like and shows you what a special place it is to be. 

At our school, we believe that every child really does matter, from the youngest in Pre-nursery to the eldest in Year 6. We strive to ensure the provision is right for each child and are proud of thinking creatively and seeking new ways in how this can be done. We firmly believe that all children have the potential to achieve great things. With high quality teaching, a rich, exciting curriculum tailored to the children in the community we serve and a real focus on supporting social and emotional needs, we believe that our well- resourced, nurturing environment helps us to provide a fantastic start for our children both in their education and future lives. 

Shirley Warren is a large two form entry school close to Southampton General hospital. We have close links to the local community and are able to offer a wide range of excellent extra- curricular sports and activities. Close home/school partnerships are essential to the success and achievements of children. We value working closely with our families to provide a happy, safe and welcoming school for all.

Thank you for visiting our website. If you have any questions or would like to visit the school please do contact us. 

Mrs Zoe Newton
