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Shirley Warren Primary and Nursery School

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Cultural Capital 


Shirley Warren Primary and Nursery School -Cultural Capital Offer

“As part of making the judgement about the quality of education, inspectors will consider the extent to which schools are equipping pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life”. Ofsted 

Our understanding of ‘knowledge and cultural capital’ is derived from the following wording in the national curriculum: ‘It is the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.”

Every child and family who joins our setting will have their own knowledge and experiences that will link to their culture and wider family. This might include; languages, beliefs, traditions, cultural and family heritage, interests, travel and work. We aim to ensure that we both value these knowledge and experiences and also add to them in as many ways as possible. 

We have devised a curriculum for our children, which exposes them to skills and knowledge in our local context and then they can transfer this knowledge to more abstract areas. We have ensured that our teaching is language rich, with vocabulary taught discretely and also exposing children to subject specific vocabulary as defined in our Learning Journeys. Our curriculum has been carefully designed so that we can give our children experiences they may not normally have e.g. gardening, cooking, caring for animals. Our Reading Spine which drives our curriculum topics ensures that children are exposed to a wide range of books and authors both through our text-led curriculum and our wider reading culture within the school. 

In addition to the daily taught curriculum we offer a wide variety of extra- curricular clubs daily, have residentials in both years 4 and 6 and an overnight ‘camping’ experience in year 2, offer the opportunity to take part in sporting tournaments and learn to play a musical instrument, take part in enterprise activities etc. 

By enriching the curriculum with opportunities, we aim to ensure that our children are equipped with knowledge and skills that not only enables them to be educated citizens of the future but also fills them with aspiration and a sense of belief that they can be whatever they want to be. 

 At Shirley Warren we will ensure that:-

Every day, every child, will be given the opportunity to:

  • Succeed as an individual or as part of a group
  • Be challenged and motivated to learn more
  • Read a book matched to their reading and interest level
  • Listen to a book or story that is read to them

Each week, every child, will be given the opportunity to:

  • Celebrate their own and peer successes in a celebration assembly
  • Visit the school library and take a book home to read
  • Take part in extra curricular clubs 

Every term, every child, will be given the opportunity to:

  • Share their learning with parents and/or other family members
  •  Learn outside the classroom

Every year, every child will be given the opportunity to:

  • Learn about the religious beliefs of another faith
  • Take part in celebration and/or celebration days 
  • Perform to an audience
  • Visit a place of worship
  • Participate in local events (i.e. carnival, summer fayre)
  •  Go on an educational visit away from the school site
  •  Fundraise for charity
  • To learn team building skills 
  • To take part in an enterprise project
  • Garden 
  • Experience caring for an animal
  • Take part in a competitive sport activity

At least once by the time they leave in Year 6, every pupil will be given the opportunity to:

  • Visit the place of worship for a non-Christian faith
  •  Visit a place of historical significance
  •  Visit a place of national heritage
  •  Visit a museum
  • Attend an overnight residential
  • Visit an art gallery
  •  Watch a dance, theatre or musical performance by professionals
  • Take part in debating 
  • Take part in a careers day 
  • Visit the city centre of Southampton
  • To learn to swim in our pop up pool
  • To have real life experience in money management/enterprise
  • Visit a local library 


Cultural Capital Overview 2024_25