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Shirley Warren Primary and Nursery School

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Attendance Information

A Parent Guide – Attendance

 We want parents to understand the school's attendance policy. If you have any questions, please call the school.

If your child is unwell and you are unsure of whether to send them to school, a useful site to check is


  • If your child is absent and we don't know why, we will call you. If there's no response, we will text, and finally send a letter if needed.
  • If a child is experiencing a cold without a fever and feels generally well, we encourage parents to send them to school but inform the school about any medication
  • Please call every day to provide updates on your child’s absence.
  • If your child is absent for more than two days, medical evidence will be required to authorise further absences
  • For medical appointments, provide proof to avoid unauthorised absence. Return to school after the appointment if possible.

Other Absences:

  • Term-time leave is only for exceptional circumstances. Family holidays will not be approved and may lead to penalties.
  • Absences for events like family funerals or medical appointments need proof and should be for a reasonable duration.
  • Obtain a Leave of Absence form from the school office for any planned leave.

Punctuality Matters:

  • School doors open at 8:35 am; registration is at 8:45 am.
  • Arriving after 8:45 am means a late mark. After 9:15 am results in an unauthorised absence for the morning session.
  • Late arrivals must check in at the school office and provide a reason.
  • Any 10 sessions (5 days) or more of unauthorised absence within a 10-school week period will lead to penalties.

Please note that our first priority is always to support families and collaborate with them. However, if this does not proceed as planned, it will result in a penalty notice

 Southampton Council has introduced new guidelines for penalty notices. Please find the latest information here: Penalty Notices


Other Attendance Information 


Attendance Ladder


Does Attendance Matter?